October 9th, 2002: The ex-USS Towers (DDG-9) sinks beneath the Pacific.
All photos were taken from USS SIDES (FFG 14) by PHAN Andrew Betting from Fleet Imaging Command Pacific, Det San Diego. A special Thanks to Mahlon Miller, currently a Senior Chief Photographers Mate at Fleet Imaging Command Pacific in San Diego, who requested and received permission from the Chief of Naval Information office in D.C. to send us the below photo’s.
The SINKEX started on 08OCT02 when she was struck by one SM-1 missile, one HELLFIRE missile, and one HARPOON missile. Ex-TOWERS remained floating high throughout the night. On 09OCT02 the ship experienced a near miss with a SLAM-ER missile and was struck at least twenty times with 76mm gun ammunition. The last shot was fired at 091512TOCT02 and ex-TOWERS sank by the bow at 091547TOCT02. Location of sinking was 31-16.192N 119-31.396W, 115 nm southwest of San Clemente Island, in 1,963 fathoms.
Here are some photos taken of the interior of the Towers just prior to the SINKEX.
Thanks to Ray Wong for getting these pictures for us.
This is the second set of photos taken of the interior of the Towers just prior to the Sinkex.
This is the last of the pictures taken of the interior of the Towers just prior to the Sinkex.